Nitera Construction Systems Ltd. reserves the right to change the advertised online price. Possible inconsistency of those prices online or photos of actual products.
Shower channels ACO ShowerDrain S with 25% discount

Monoblock KOLO IDOL with lid

Console toilet KOLO IDOL with a lid and seat delayed fall

Console toilet bowl with lid STYLE late fall

KOLO Package UNIT 1

Bathroom Cer-rol series LIMA

ACO ShowerDrain C Wave


Bathroom Ceramika Konskie series Oxford

Shower Sanplast OVAL OV/KN EKO 90

Bath Set Cersanit

Bathroom Ceramika Color series SHADOW

Dry construction
Plasters and paints
Building chemistry
Plasterboard adhesive
Adhesives and plasters for insulation
Adhesives for tiles
Building adhesives
Adhesives for PVC,parquet flooring,carpets and modular access flooring
Others adhesives and accessories
Hand and machine plasters and accessories
Cements and concretes
Self-leveling floor compounds and plasters
Decorative and industrial floors
Joint fillers for tiles
Foams, silicons, acryls
Building, cleaning and impregnation products
Bathroom solutions
Fastening systems and instruments
Construction materials
Drainage and filtration
Roof solutions
Finishing facade