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Кнауф България ЕООД - 21 продукта
Кнауф България ЕООД

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Aluminium tape for corner Кнауф ALUX
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Aluminium tape for corner Кнауф ALUX
52 mm./30 m.
Price with WAT:
39.16 leva/pcs.
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External corner with paper covering Sheetrock Dallas
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External corner with paper covering Sheetrock Dallas
3.05 m.
Price with WAT:
5.68 leva/pcs.
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Flexible metal corner tape Sheetrock
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Flexible metal corner tape Sheetrock
30.48 м.
Price with WAT:
32.28 leva/pcs.
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Inside corner with a paper cover Sheetrock Las Vegas
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Price with WAT:
5.16 leva/pcs.
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Paper reinforcing tape Sheetrock
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Paper reinforcing tape Sheetrock
76.2 м.
152.4 м.
Prices with WAT:
Хартиена фугопокривна лента Sheetrock 76.2 м. : 6.40 leva/pcs.
Хартиена фугопокривна лента Sheetrock 152.4 м. : 14.51 leva/pcs.
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf Vidiwall 2VT 12,5 mm
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf Vidiwall 2VT 12,5 mm
1250x2500×12,5 mm
1250x2600×12,5 mm
1250x2800×12,5 mm
1250x3000×12,5 mm
Price with WAT:
11.27 leva/sq.m.
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiwall 2VT 12,5 mm , 1250x2500×12,5 mm : 12.48 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 2VT 12,5 mm , 1250x2600×12,5 mm : 12.48 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 2VT 12,5 mm , 1250x2800×12,5 mm : 12.48 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 2VT 12,5 mm , 1250x3000×12,5 mm : 12.48 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidiwall HI 2VT
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidiwall HI 2VT
1200x3000×12,5 mm
Price with WAT:
14.74 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidiwall HI SK
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidiwall HI SK
1200x2000×12,5 mm
1250x2000×12,5 mm
1200x2000×15,0 mm
1250x2000×15,0 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiwall HI SK , 1200x2000×12,5 mm : 13.66 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall HI SK , 1250x2000×12,5 mm : 13.66 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall HI SK , 1200x2000×15,0 mm : 15.83 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall HI SK , 1250x2000×15,0 mm : 15.83 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidifire A1 SK 12,5 mm
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidifire A1 SK 12,5 mm
1200x2000×12,5 mm
1200x3000×12,5 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidifire A1 SK 12,5 mm , 1200x2000×12,5 mm : 15.20 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidifire A1 SK 12,5 mm , 1200x3000×12,5 mm : 15.20 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidiphonic SK 12,5 mm
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Gypsum fiber-board Knauf  Vidiphonic SK 12,5 mm
1200x2000×12,5 mm
1200x3000×12,5 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiphonic SK 12,5 mm , 1200x2000×12,5 mm : 15.20 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiphonic SK 12,5 mm , 1200x3000×12,5 mm : 15.20 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf  Vidiwall 10 mm SK
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf  Vidiwall 10 mm SK
1000x1250x10 mm
1000x1500×10 mm
1200x2000x10 mm
1200x2500×10 mm
1200x2600×10 mm
1250x2000×10 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiwall 10 mm SK, размери 1000x1250x10 mm : 9.79 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 10 mm SK, размери 1000x1500×10 mm : 9.79 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 10 mm SK, размери 1200x2000x10 mm : 9.43 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 10 mm SK, размери 1200x2500×10 mm : 9.43 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 10 mm SK, размери 1200x2600×10 mm : 9.43 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 10 mm SK, размери 1250x2000×10 mm : 9.43 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf  Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf  Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK
1000x1500×12,5 mm
1200x2000×12,5 mm
1200x2500×12,5 mm
1200x2600×12,5 mm
1200x3000×12,5 mm
1250x2000×12,5 mm
1250x2600×12,5 mm
1250x2750×12,5 mm
1250x3000×12,5 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1000x1500×12,5 mm : 11.89 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1200x2000×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1200x2500×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1200x2600×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1200x3000×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1250x2000×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1250x2600×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1250x2750×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 12,5 mm SK , размер 1250x3000×12,5 mm : 11.54 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK
1000x1500x15 mm
1200x2000×15 mm
1250x2000×15 mm
1250x2600×15 mm
1250x2750×15 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK , 1000x1500x15 mm : 13.98 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK , 1200x2000×15 mm : 13.58 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK , 1250x2000×15 mm : 13.58 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK , 1250x2600×15 mm : 13.58 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 15 mm SK , 1250x2750×15 mm : 13.58 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf  Vidiwall 18 mm SK
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Gypsum-fiber board Knauf  Vidiwall 18 mm SK
1000x1250x18 mm
1200x2000x18 mm
Prices with WAT:
Knauf Vidiwall 18 mm SK , 1000x1250x18 mm : 15.98 leva/sq.m.
Knauf Vidiwall 18 mm SK , 1200x2000x18 mm : 15.80 leva/sq.m.
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Gypsum machine plaster Knauf MP 75
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Gypsum machine plaster Knauf MP 75
30 kg./ 40 kg.
Prices with WAT:
Knauf MP 75 30 кг. : 11.76 leva/pcs.
Knauf MP 75 40 кг. : 15.68 leva/pcs.
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Gypsum machine plaster Knauf MP 75 L
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Gypsum machine plaster Knauf MP 75 L
30 kg.
Price with WAT:
12.96 leva/pcs.
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Gypsum machine plaster Knauf Bulgips Start
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Gypsum machine plaster Knauf Bulgips Start
30 kg.
Price with WAT:
10.28 leva/pcs.
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Ready fine plaster Sheetrock Finitura
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Ready fine plaster Sheetrock Finitura
6 kg., 25 kg.
Prices with WAT:
Sheetrock Finitura 6 кг. : 15.48 leva/pcs.
Sheetrock Finitura 25 кг. : 45.60 leva/pcs.
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Three-component primer Sheetrock Tuff Hide
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Three-component primer Sheetrock Tuff Hide
28 kg.
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Universal joint filler Sheetrock® Super Finish
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Universal joint filler Sheetrock® Super Finish
6 kg., 25 kg.
Prices with WAT:
Sheetrock® Super Finish , 6 кг. : 14.90 leva/pcs.
Sheetrock® Super Finish , 25 кг. : 42.30 leva/pcs.
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